# Changelog

Published 2024-05-13

# V2.0

Blueprint node: 51      Supported platforms: Lunux, Windows, Android

  • Two new modules (! runtime and 1 UncookedOnly) to support the Maths library.
Math library
  • 11 new nodes to improve the math experience with Blueprint. Min, Max, Invert, Oposit, Spaceship operator (<=>), +=, -=, *=, /=, Greater or Nearly Equal and Less or Nearly Equal

Blueprint node: 40      Supported platforms: Lunux, Windows, Android

  • The plugin code has been spited in submodule to allow editor and runtime features to be compiled independently.
  • Huge code refractoring reducing the duplicated code.
  • Performance updates and general code cleanup.
Get As System
  • All 37 Getters refarctored to use Kismet.
  • Dynamic cast refarctored to use Kismet.
  • All nodes of the module can be converted to pure/impure mode with a click in the context menu.
  • Nodes with a target object can be converted to hard/soft pointer input type with a click in the context menu.
Log System
  • New project settings (Display profile's name in node title, Should error if no profile selected, Log node color, Disabled node color).
  • The Log node refarctored to use kismet.
  • The Log node now implement a format system like the FormatText node.
  • The Log node now change of style and title according to the selected log profile.

# V1.0

Blueprint node: 115      Supported platforms: Lunux, Windows, Android

  • The plugin code has been setup in modules to improve code maintanability.
  • New platforms supported : Linux and Android.
Get As System
  • 37 Getters implemented with 3 forms: Pure, Impure, SoftRef based
  • Dynamic cast node with 2 forms: Pure, Impure
Log System
The log system is user created log profiles based and support all build environement type (Editor, Development (and debug), Shipping)
Workflow library

The first node of the library added is TimedDoOnce.