# Math library

Published 2024-07-08

# Node list

The MIN node return the smallest value of the selected type.

# Ouput

Value Wildcard

Return the smallest value of the selected type.

Right click on this pin to select manualy the type of the node. (see screen above)

The MAX node return the highest value of the selected type.

# Ouput

Value Wildcard

Return the highest value of the selected type.

Right click on this pin to select manualy the type of the node. (see screen above)

The Oposit (-) node return the input value times -1.

# Input

A Double: 0.0d
The value to compute

# Ouput

Value Double
The result of A \times -1

The Invert (1/x) node return 1 devided by the input value.

# Input

A Double: 0.0d

The value to compute.

If A is 0 then the node return 0 and raise and division error.

# Ouput

Value Double
The result of \frac{1}{A}

The Spaceship Operator <=> is the same as the operator from Perl, Ruby and C++20. Full explenation on the wikipedia page

# Input

Exec execution
Main input pin of the node
A Wildcard
The first value to use in the three ways comparaison operator.
B Wildcard
The second value to use in the three ways comparaison operator.

# Ouput

Less execution
Ouput pin triggered when A < B.
Equal execution
Ouput pin triggered when A == B.
Greater execution
Ouput pin triggered when A > B.
Result int
Result value of the operator returned to allow the user to use it without creating a new tempoary variable.

The += node behave like the C++ += operator. It take the B value and add it to A and set the new value to the variable A: A += B = A = A + B.

# Input

Exec execution
Main input pin of the node.
A Wildcard (by Ref)
Reference to the variable you want to update.
B Wildcard
The value used as right-value in the operation.

# Ouput

Then execution
Ouput execution pin.
Value Wildcard
The new value of A after the assignment. Same as a fresh new get.

The -= node behave like the C++ -= operator. It take the B value and substract it to A and set the new value to the variable A: A -= B = A = A - B.

# Input

Exec execution
Main input pin of the node.
A Wildcard (by Ref)
Reference to the variable you want to update.
B Wildcard
The value used as right-value in the operation.

# Ouput

Then execution
Ouput execution pin.
Value Wildcard
The new value of A after the assignment. Same as a fresh new get.

The *= node behave like the C++ *= operator. It take the B value and multiply with A and set the new value to the variable A: A *= B = A = A * B.

# Input

Exec execution
Main input pin of the node.
A Wildcard (by Ref)
Reference to the variable you want to update.
B Wildcard
The value used as right-value in the operation.

# Ouput

Then execution
Ouput execution pin.
Value Wildcard
The new value of A after the assignment. Same as a fresh new get.

The /= node behave like the C++ /= operator. It take the A value and devide it with B and set the new value to the variable A: A /= B = A = A / B.

# Input

Exec execution
Main input pin of the node.
A Wildcard (by Ref)
Reference to the variable you want to update.
B Wildcard
The value used as right-value in the operation.

# Ouput

Then execution
Ouput execution pin.
Value Wildcard
The new value of A after the assignment. Same as a fresh new get.

The Greater or Nearly Equal >≈ node return true if the A is superior to B or is nearly equal to B (using the error tolerance value): A >≈ B is same as A > (B - ErrorTolerance)

# Input

A Double
The value that will be compared.
B Double
The value A will be compared to.
Error Tolerance Double
The precision value is used to determine if A is considered equal to B.

# Ouput

Return Value Bool
True if A >≈ B.

The Less or Nearly Equal <≈ node return true if the A is less than B or is nearly equal to B (using the error tolerance value): A <≈ B is same as A < (B + ErrorTolerance)

# Input

A Double
The value that will be compared.
B Double
The value A will be compared to.
Error Tolerance Double
The precision value is used to determine if A is considered equal to B.

# Ouput

Return Value Bool

True if A <≈ B.