# GetAs system

Published 2024-05-13

# Accessibility

Every node of the GetAs system allows you to convert them between pure and impure mode in the context menu. As well as the purity option, all getters that take a target as input can switch between hard and soft pointer in the same context menu.

# Implemented getters list

  • Get game state as
  • Get game instance as
  • Get game mode as
  • Get player controller as
  • Get player character as
  • Get player camera manager as
  • Get player pawn as
  • Get player state as
  • Get owner as
  • Get parent actor as
  • Get parent component as
  • Get AIController as
  • Get blackboard as
  • Get instigator controller as
  • Get root component
  • Get instigator as
  • Get level as
  • Get player state as
  • Get current path as
  • Get view target as
  • Get controlled pawn
  • Get HUD as
  • Get spectator pawn as
  • Get player camera manager as
  • Get cheat manager as
  • Get player state as
  • Get controller as
  • Get local viewing player controller as
  • Get movement component as
  • Get movement base actor as
  • Get last hit by as
  • Get authority game mode as
  • Get player array as
  • Get player controller as
  • Get pawn as
  • Get player state from unique net id
  • Get outer object as

# Dynamic cast

The Dynamic Cast node works just like the native CastTo node in Unreal Engine, with the difference being that it allows you to change the target class without having to replace the node. It's simple and effective.

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